- /Files/191/191 B016/Planning/PEZ.2015-058.Level III Site Plan Under 50,000 sq ft/Congress St. - 1342 (Jewish Neigh Center)/Planning Board/Workshop 5.19.2015/Applicants submittal/

[To Parent Directory]

0 Response to Public comments 7.7.15 - JCC 1342 Congress Street
Att A Cover Letter 4.3.2015
Att B Preliminary Site Plan Application
Att C Conditional Use Application
Att D Purchase & Sales Agreement
Att E Financial Capacity letter Key Bank
Att F Traffic Memo 3.19.2015
Att G Westgate Plaza owner letter endorsement
Att H. T & B response to Peer Eng review 5-8-15
Att I Drainage Study-(Revised 5-8-15)
Att J T & B Response to traffic review comments
Att K Additonal Traffic Info memo 5.13.2015
M Stormwater Agreements & Easements
N Parking License Agreement-Merlin to JCA