- /Files/012/012 F002/Planning/Walnut Street - 79 #2013-228 (12-F-2) Munjoy Heights COPIED TO PARCEL DRIVE/Post Approval/Civil Plans/

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1.23.2014 Peer Engineer sign off on Acorn letter re Munjoy Heights conds - 1.17. 2014
2.13.14 note needed clean Fwd Civil Plans- note to addsubstitute re Walnut ROW area
2.24.2014 DPS comments Munjoy Heights final plans
Acorn Engineering Comment Response Letter_1-17-14
Approved C-10 Site Plan_Rev_2-24-14
APPROVED C-40 Detail Sheet_Rev_2-24-14
approved Exhibit E - Munjoy Heights_Snow Storage Plan_1-15-14
Civil plans OK except Walnut ROW 1.17.14
clean Fwd Civil Plans- note to addsubstitute re Walnut ROW area
Not final Plan 6 - Site Plan (1)
Not final Plan 8 - Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan