Traffic related questions     12/09/05

On site questions
What is the width of the driveway?
What are the width of the driveway lanes?
How many lanes?
How far is the driveway from the property line at it's closest spot?
How many cars will travel that driveway daily?
Any sidewalks? How wide?
How many pedestrians will travel that sidewalk?
What is the width on the travel lanes on site?
What is the width of the lane between parked cars?
What is the size of parking spots?
What about at the townhouses?
What is the size of the cul de sac/roundabout near the town houses?
What radaii do METRO Busses need to turn around?
Where is the bus stop?  How will shoppers get there?
How many parking spaces? How many bike racks?
How many of the spaces are for the housing?
How many for the Boxing?
How many for Bruno's?
How many for the retail?
How many lanes of traffic will pedestrians have to cross to get to the site?
On Forest Ave? On Allen? from Stevens Ave? BIshop Street?
How long will it take for pedetrians to cross?
How long will the walk light be?
Any medians to make that "cross" any safer?
How wide will the sidewalks in the area be AFTER  the traffic "improvements?"
How wide are they now?
Are those sidewalks plowed in winter? By who?

OFF site
What is the current width of the roadway on Forest Ave?
What will the future roadway width be?
What is the current width on Allen Ave?
What will the future width of Allen Ave be?
Many of the current businesses on Allen and Forest have limited parking (or limited parking lots) now.
Will the sidewalks in front of these businesses need to be made smaller?
Will their parking lots be made smaller? Will that impact their businesses?
Will there be room for bike lanes, shoulders and sidewalks?  How wide? How wide will the sidewalks be? The shoulders? The bike lanes?
Are there any businesses in the right of way? Are there any utilities or gas tanks in or near the right of way?

How much will it cost to widen Allen Ave and Forest Ave to accommodate Packard? How much of that will the City pay?

Will the widening impact existing businesses? Their parking lots?  (Example Sue's fish and chips, Samuels bar and grill, Morrill‘s corner pub( their BUILDING is in the right of way)

For  Tom Errico

What determines the traffic study/impact area?
How is distribution of traffic determined?
What is the primary safety issue in the area?
Are the accidents happening at the signalized intersections?
Where are the accidents happening?
Why weren’t more unsignalized intersections selected for review?
Why were the intersections that were chosen for review chosen?
Doesn't permtting require that ALL intersection be looked at?
Not just the selected ones?
Why weren’t unsignalized intersections west on Forest Ave, much closer to the site included in the study? Such as Avalon, Wall, Hicks (?)
How many residential complexes enter onto Forest Ave just west of the site? Do they have a history of high crash areas?
Or towards Washington on Allen also much closer to the site not included in the study?  Such as Pennell or Yale.
What determines the need for mitigation?
Are there any plans for mitigation west of the site on Forest Ave towards Riverside? (NO) why not?
(There is enough room to add an exclusive left turning lane)  
Are there any plans for mitigation north of the site toward Washington Ave other than at their site driveway? Why not? (NO---may say a traffic light at north field green--- follow up Q--Does that location qualify for a traffic warrant? (NO) who will pay for that light? (The City)
Why not? (No plans for mitigation) (Again there is enough room for an exclusive left turn lane)
Do you know of any other plans for development in the Morrill’s Corner area or nearby? Has there been any discussion of plans for any other development in the area?
Do you know of any plans for any other entrances onto the Packard site? Has there been any discussion of any other entrances to the site?
Will Packard’s widening impact any of the other businesses in the area?
Are you aware of any plans for closing those businesses?
Has Packard purchased or have options to any other sites? Not now known to the public?
What land are the taking to make way for their widening?

How much of the existing  capacity will this proposal eat up?
Did the MDOT widening  (Morrill’s Corner to Warren Avenue) improve things?
Did that widening add any traffic? What were the crash rates like before that?
Won‘t this proposal, with its increase in traffic, likely return things to that same congested high accident rates?
What type of accidents are in the area? (3/4 are rear end, as people turn left onto residential streets)

What are the causes of the accident in the area (rear end accidents inattention etc)
Will this widening improve things? ? (Or return them to the days of high accident rate west of the site?)
Will this proposal be adding traffic? Will that Increase accidents?
And return intersections to the days of high accident rate away from the site?
Aren't they supposed to mitigate that? Are they? Why Not?
Isn't there room for a disignated exclusive middle turning lane?
On Forest AND Allen AND  Warren?
Which route will trucks use to get to the site?
Are they designated truck routes?
any mitigation planned there? Why NOT?.
Don't  truck ruin roadways.? Didn't the trucks waiting on Reed Street to off load ice( FEMA)  actually cause indentation in the road way by their tires as they waited   to "offload" because they were so heavy???
Didn'l  we just spend a lot of money to entirely pave and repair the truck damage at Canco and REED BEFORE the  ice trucks arrived for FEMA.? Who's gonna pay to repave it now?