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Re: Abutter Labels for Waynflete

To Do

Jennifer Munson

8:14 AM (1 hour ago)
to Heather

I will prepare the labels today, e-mail you the cost and then you can either come and pick them up or I can mail them with a receipt.

Let me know which works best for you.

Jennifer Munson, Office Manager
Planning and Urban Development
City of Portland
389 Congress St., 4th Floor
Portland ME 04101

On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 2:48 PM, Heather Isherwood <> wrote:
Hi Jennifer,

Thank you.  This looks great.  We would like to use the 1000 foot abutter list and would like to buy labels and receive the excel sheets.  Please let me know the best way to collect the labels.

We also will accept to pay all fees associated with the city mailing the cards  using the 1000 foot abutter list for notices associated with this project. 

Thanks, again.


Heather Isherwood '89
Executive Assistant to the Head of School
207.774.5721 ext. 1201

Waynflete  360 Spring Street, Portland, ME 04102 | Facebook | Twitter

On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 9:05 AM, Jennifer Munson <> wrote:
Good Morning.  Here is the breakdown between 500 ft. and 1000 ft.

500 feet:
7 pages of labels = $7.00
195 abutters = $146.25 (we charge .75 for each notice mailed for each Planning Board Meeting therefore Waynflete would be charged $146.25 each time a notice was sent by the City of Portland in addition to a legal ad charge.)

1000 feet:
17 pages of labels = $17.00
484 abutters = $363.00 (we charge .75 for each notice mailed for each Planning Board Meeting therefore Waynflete would be charged $363.00 each time a notice was sent by the City of Portland in addition to a legal ad charge.)

I would e-mail you the excel sheets at no charge.  Please let me know what you decide.


Jennifer Munson, Office Manager
Planning and Urban Development
City of Portland
389 Congress St., 4th Floor
Portland ME 04101

On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 5:10 PM, Heather Isherwood <> wrote:

Thank you so much, this is very helpful.  Could you please let us know what the cost will be for providing labels to us for the 1000 foot abutter list?  And the spreadsheet is free of charge with or without the labels?

We are interested in the city using the 1000 foot abutter list, but I would feel better knowing an approximate cost before saying so for sure.  I imagine we will agree, I just hesitate agreeing for the school to pay for anything without having an idea of what that would be.

I really appreciate your help.  Thank you.


Heather Isherwood '89
Executive Assistant to the Head of School
207.774.5721 ext. 1201

Waynflete  360 Spring Street, Portland, ME 04102 | Facebook | Twitter

On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 3:51 PM, Jennifer Munson <> wrote:

I will be creating the abutter labels tomorrow.  I can create the 1000 ft. abutter list for your neighborhood meeting.  Would you also like us to notice 1000 feet even though 500 feet meets the requirements?  If so, we will need a letter from you stating that you would like us to use the 1000 foot abutter list and that you will accept to pay all fees associated with mailing the cards.  

As soon as you let me know your decision, I will prepare the labels.


Jennifer Munson, Office Manager
Planning and Urban Development
City of Portland
389 Congress St., 4th Floor
Portland ME 04101

On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 10:05 AM, Heather Isherwood <> wrote:
Thank you, Jennifer.  I appreciate your help.


Heather Isherwood '89
Executive Assistant to the Head of School
207.774.5721 ext. 1201

Waynflete  360 Spring Street, Portland, ME 04102 | Facebook | Twitter

On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 9:45 AM, Jennifer Munson <> wrote:
I would look into this and get back to you.

On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Heather Isherwood <> wrote:
Hi Jennifer,

It was nice speaking with you this morning and thank you for your message.  

I understand that you are only required to provide labels for abutters within 500 feet but I wonder if, on request (and payment),  you can provide labels for our abutters within 1000 feet.  We are trying to reach a larger group of our neighbors and have heard from some of our neighbors that they would like us to do so as well.   

I'm confident that your office has better records than what we can create, so my hope is that you can share that data with us.  If you can't, I understand. 

Thank you for your consideration, 


Heather Isherwood '89
Executive Assistant to the Head of School
207.774.5721 ext. 1201

Waynflete  360 Spring Street, Portland, ME 04102 | Facebook | Twitter

On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 11:26 AM, Jennifer Munson <> wrote:

The Waynflete project has not yet been distributed to a Planner yet.  As soon as this is done, I will then create the neighborhood labels.  It is a requirement for the Planning Division to sent a receipt of application notice to the abutters at this time.  Also, in talking with staff, this project is not located in an Industrial zone therefore we will be noticing only 500 feet.   If you have any questions, please let me know.

Jennifer Munson, Office Manager
Planning and Urban Development
City of Portland
389 Congress St., 4th Floor
Portland ME 04101
(207)756„8258 (fax)

Jennifer Munson, Office Manager
Planning and Urban Development
City of Portland
389 Congress St., 4th Floor
Portland ME 04101
(207)756„8258 (fax)

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