Jean –


The following outlines my comments as it relates to the March 2008 MMC TDM Plan.  Go ahead and copy and paste into your report.


  1. Identification of a Transportation Coordinator


No Comment


  1. Transportation Demand Advisory Committee within MMC


MMC shall provide the City Planning Department with a copy of meeting notes


  1. Educational/Promotional Materials


Copies of materials for distribution shall be provided to the City for review and comment. For visitors an explanation on how this information is disseminated to those outside MMC should be provided.


  1. Implement Rideshare/Vanpool Program


A plan shall be provided that illustrates the location of preferential parking spaces, how they will be marked and signed, and the total number of spaces to be provided.  An explanation should also be provided on the operations program, such as how will vehicles be identified as a carpool vehicle.  Additional details on the vanpool program should be provided.  How many vehicles will be utilized, what are the anticipated routes, etc.


  1. Encourage Use of Transit


Subsidized transit passes will be provided and therefore I have no comment.


  1. Bicycling and Walking Program


Plans should be provided that illustrate existing and proposed bicycle racks.  Additionally, plans should be provided that depict locations of the bicycle storage facilities.  MMC should expand on implementation of the walking discount and clothing program.


  1. Use if Flexible Hours, Staggered Shifts, and Other Hourly Incentives


More detail is needed to fully review and understand hospital operations and sign-off on flextime feasibility.  Information on specific employee operations should be provided inclusive of employee numbers per department and shift constraints, etc.


  1. Prepare and conduct a transportation survey of employees


No comment.


  1. Multiyear TDM Plan


The City should participate in the review of the program within 6 months of Certificate of Occupancy.  Annual review of the TDM program should begin in June 2009.


  1. Timetable for plan action items


No comment.



MMC’s Parking Plan


In my professional opinion parking and TDM provisions are related and therefore the following comments should be considered.  For example, employees and visitors circulating to find parking spaces within the West End negatively impacts traffic flow.


  • The Chadwick lot currently impacts the local roadway system and proactive strategies that avoid similar problems should be implemented.
  • MMC needs to implement internal management strategies to prevent employees, vendors, visitors from using on-street parking spaces.








Thomas A. Errico, P.E.

Senior Transportation Engineer

Wilbur Smith Associates

59 Middle Street

Portland, Maine 04101

w: 207.871.1785 f: 207.871.5825